There have been, in the past, many different types of expenditure reviews, dating back, as you said, to the mid-nineties and even beyond, and they all had different characteristics and were required for different reasons. Sometimes they were indeed cuts exercises.
In the last two rounds of strategic reviews, however, we've taken a different approach. That approach is intended to be strategic in the sense that it's a comprehensive review of all program spending in a department that's undertaken with a view to potentially recycling funds to better-performing programs or other needs in that department or other departments. So it's not undertaken with a view to cuts or to raising money or to balance the budget, which was the case in the mid-nineties. It's undertaken for other purposes. In that sense, it's more strategic.
It's not a review of strategic planning, per se, either. It's really just a review of the value for money of current spending. That was in fact precipitated by the views of the Auditor General and indeed the views of parliamentary committees, such as the public accounts committee and this committee, that we need to be able to review, on an ongoing basis, the value for money for government spending.