Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I wasn't here when we chose to invite Treasury Board as our witnesses for the supplementary estimates, and they didn't come with opening statements, so I guess it's kind of a wide-open conversation. But looking at the supplementary estimates on pages 200 to 203, we're dealing with massive amounts of money at the bottom here, not just the fairly narrow questions being asked regarding funding support for pay equity litigation, etc.
My interests and my questions are perhaps on the broader policy issue and the problems you're going to have, I believe, with legal challenges associated with capping compensation, capping the wage—the wage freeze, essentially—associated with this budget.
Now, I come from a trade union background, and free collective bargaining is a constitutional right, upheld recently by the Supreme Court of Canada, in 2007, and British Columbia, when they tried to interfere with collective agreements.
What kind of reserve or what are they setting aside for what could be a landmark appeal or what could be the legal challenges associated with what the government is asking you to do, in terms of capping public servant salaries?