Thank you for the question.
Public Works and Government Services Canada is mandated through the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act to provide accommodation for public servants. We have more than 1,800 locations where we do that from coast to coast. We use a range of solutions, which include crown-owned buildings, leased, and lease-purchased buildings. The leased and lease-purchased together are more than 1,400 of those locations, so the vast majority of the accommodation we provide is through leased accommodation.
The amounts that are included in this supplementary estimate reflect the increases we have to bear as a tenant in terms of increased costs for taxes and for utility costs that come with that space. I'm sure you're aware that many pieces are renewed at different times, and while we may have a lease that may be in place for ten years, when we renew it for the next ten years, there is an increase in the price, in the cost of that lease. That is part of the cost.
As we accommodate or move through a competitive process to a new lease, we are required to prepare the space, which is called fit-up. That's another cost we must bear. Those costs increase and they are additional each year.
We do a thorough analysis of all our leases and prepare estimates that forecast where we think we are going to be. That is then confirmed by our clients, who give us their actual demands.