The first element from a reservist perspective is that reservists are very important to us right now. In fact, for some of our rotations in Afghanistan they account for about 20% of the group that goes over there. It's an element dear to our hearts. The reservists will continue to go until the last rotation. We're still going to make use of them. However, with the Afghanistan mission coming to an end, we're going to start to draw less on the reservists.
At the same time, while the Afghanistan side is important to us from a reservist perspective, we also have what we call a trained effective strength shortage in the regular force. Trained effective strength describes positions for which you need somebody trained to do a specific task. We have a shortage there, but we've been hiring reservists.
Given the very successful recruitment in the past year and the year before that, we're now starting to fill positions that are regular force positions for which we had hired reservists. This will also draw it down, but it will not happen overnight. We will not be able to fill those positions overnight.