It did. If you remember, in the last couple of years we've been in the midst of a pretty severe global recession. Part of the goal of the advertising around the economic action plan was to let people know, for example, that there were at least three tax credits available to help them through the recession. There was the home renovation tax credit, which was extremely popular. In fact, the recall rates when we tested post-campaign on that one were levels we hadn't seen before, around 70 or something. People wanted the information and they went.... All of our advertising is aimed at driving people to the website, where all of the information about what programs they can apply for and where is located. So people did that.
There was also the first-time home buyers' tax credit, which people took advantage of. Also, even around tax filing, Canada Revenue Agency did a bit of a campaign to remind people to apply for things like the credits under the home renovation tax credit.
So it did save them money. That's one of the reasons why the advertising was so important. It was the recession; we wanted to make sure that people had information about the services and benefits that were available to them, and thirdly, that they were able to easily access that information. So it was extremely important to do it.