One suggestion I would make with respect to improving the procurement process for an SME would be to take a little bit of a different strategy.
I believe the reason that IRAP is so successful working with SMEs and getting the money that you want to get deployed out to SMEs is that they have the notion of this ITA, the industrial technology adviser, who works directly with a group of SMEs. Ours, for example, works with hundreds of SMEs. He has a very big group of companies that he has to work with. They're all SMEs. What I've seen from their attitude or their approach is that as soon as the government announces an IRAP fund, they start working extremely actively with all of their SMEs to try to get them to benefit from this.
So I would say try to bring that over to procurement. You need ITA-like people in the OSME office who become more than our guides; they become almost our champions. They help us cut down the process and the paperwork and the reporting.
We still have to do it all, because we know that everything is going to get audited, etc., and we do all of the time sheets. We do all of that stuff. But when you have somebody there who says to you, “This is the template, you have to work in this, and everything has to fit in here”, it becomes less of an unknown when you're dealing with these contracts and people.
With respect to RFPs, I think there has to be almost a mandate that says x amount of the Government of Canada budget has to go toward SMEs, or, if you win a contract as a large company, you have to bring in SMEs, and this is how much of this contract is going to be awarded to make sure that there is SME involvement. The United States does that, but we don't do that.