Well, you're talking to somebody whose company is called inRound Innovations.
I'll tell you what really drives innovation, from our perspective: it's access to opportunities.
I suppose to a certain degree we believe that the government has a certain socio-economic responsibility to help small business, but as I said earlier, we're not looking for special treatment. What we're looking for is continuing to have access, and we think that bundling contracts is something that stymies innovation in the Canadian government.
I don't buy into the notion of economies of scale, because I think innovation comes through niche companies like ours. I do have experience with the big guys, and I know that in my service management practice, when I worked for Compaq HP, it was still five or 10 guys sitting around in a particular section. That was the extent of the experience we had in that company. We just happened to sell under a broader label.
As I said, it's important that there not be initiatives that prevent us from continuing to have access to government contracts.