I would like to share an observation with regard to the projects, more specifically the reduction of tax credits based on salary alone. In my view, this is dangerous. I believe it works very well in some sectors, for instance in the sectors of information technology and communication. However, in the case of biotechnology and other technologies which require the purchase of sometimes extremely expensive equipment, this is a risky approach. I cannot speak to IRAP, but I know that some eminent economists, including Mr. Lipsey, gave this program a very positive review in terms of the way it is implemented and its results.
Further, I believe that government projects should not be designed as lifelines to help small- and medium-sized businesses to operate. We should do what is done in other countries, which is to foster the growth of SMEs. Indeed, we are competing against countries which are helping to grow their small- and medium-sized companies so they become bigger and more powerful.