Thank you, Bernard.
That concludes the questions the committee members had, so we want to thank both of you, Ms. Dean, and Dr. Massolin, for giving your time today as we try to explore the best practices both domestically and internationally. It's been an interesting study, and we certainly will make good use of what you shared with us today.
Thank you again for giving us your time.
I'm going to suspend the meeting briefly while we connect our next witness. In that time I have a bit of committee business we might want to do.
We'll reconvene and discuss one scheduling problem with a witness. Human Resources and Skills Development want to appear before us on May 30, but that's exactly the same time and date that the minister and her department are appearing before her own committee. Obviously, that conflict doesn't work, so we have two options on what to do about it.
One, we could have HRSDC appear on the 28th instead of the 30th, reverse Heritage and bring them on the 30th; or we could drop HRSDC altogether and select another department to invite and study their mains. How do we feel about that?