From my perspective, there was a time when greening operations were more expensive than the conventional, but I believe that time has changed. It's very difficult to provide an upgrade to a building today, whether it's an HVAC system, a chiller, or some aspect of our operations, that does not have a green attribute to it.
In the past, you used to have to spend additional money to find something that had a green capacity. Now, as we do our building upgrades and our building improvements, by their very nature they help us achieve green targets and they do save us money. I can say that I don't have a specific pot dedicated to these targets, but I do spend clearly in every year an amount on initiatives that give me a greener plant, a greener operating environment.
To the last part of your question, austerity measures drive all of us to look hard at reducing our operating costs, and green is now a lower-cost option.