Mr. Chair, if I have understood the question correctly, I would say that we still need a lot of temporary offices. We have two options.
The first is to renovate the buildings that belong to Public Works and Government Services Canada, like the La Promenade Building or the Wellington Building. We are killing two birds with one stone: we renovate the buildings that need renovating, and we use them as temporary spaces in some cases.
The other option is to find more flexibility. To do this, we will take out leases with the private sector. Ultimately, our objective is to reduce the number of leases with the private sector as much as possible in order to return to our own buildings. But we still need the flexibility that these leases in the private sector offer.
Furthermore, it's rather rare that we rent out government buildings to private organizations. We can do it for businesses, but we generally don't do business in the private rental market.
So our buildings will be used for the staff of our partners or for the staff of Public Works and Government Services.
The leases will be used because of their flexibility. Eventually, our goal is to reduce the number of leases as much as possible by using our own buildings.