Certainly. Thank you for the question.
We have been working very closely with the Treasury Board Secretariat and with departments and agencies across the government to follow up on the recommendations from the fall report. We have been looking at key root causes. We did set up a group last summer that had representation across government with IBM and others to do a deep dive with regard to root cause issues, whether they were technology, training, or change management.
We're now rolling out a suite of measures, which Minister Qualtrough announced last November, as a first pass of key early priorities for the interdepartmental community to work on with the leadership of my team. We have gone forward with governance improvements, as recommended. We have the interdepartmental committee, the oversight committee of deputies to which I report, which is chaired by the deputy clerk. We have structures at the ADM and DG levels that replicate that so that we can systematically bring through issues that will have an impact on addressing the queue and providing improved pay outcomes to public servants.
We have also been looking at the capacity building issues that Madam Lemay has alluded to. We have, in effect, almost tripled the staff complement across the country, in Miramichi and in satellite offices, to be able to really address the outstanding pay requests and facilitate the transition to our pod processing model, where we will now be looking at employees' files completely as opposed to transaction by transaction. Once they're clean and we're dealing with things in real time, they should not have any further issues with backlogs.
We've also been looking at a number of issues around the go-forward strategy that was announced in budget 2018 under Treasury Board's leadership. That work is progressing.
We've also been dealing with the technical issues that continue to occur, looking primarily at those change requests for the system that will have the biggest impact on system improvements and interface issues between the 32 HR systems and Phoenix, to make sure that, to the extent possible, we're getting better data alignment and allowing departments and agencies with new tools around timeliness and accuracy of data to look at their own internal processes—as Madam Lemay was saying—from employee to HR, before HR sends things to the pay centre in Miramichi.