Basically, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities thought that was a suitable compromise, and DisAbled Women’s Network Canada agrees with this compromise to have the mail delivery decreased to being on maybe Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
I was exploring one of the proposed options in the CUPW submission, in which they were talking about increasing evening and weekend delivery. I also think that might be a good alternative when we have so much unemployment, to reverse the lens and think about that as an alternative as well. Thinking about some of those outside-of-the-box possibilities would be another alternative.
I look at the amount of youth unemployment and the amount of different kinds of unemployment, and I look at the fact that small communities have less employment, and I challenge some of our legislators to think that those might be solutions in smaller communities, to stimulate the economy by providing services to people with disabilities. Our needs don't change. No matter what the energy industry is doing, we have the same needs, no matter what the economy does.