The first five questions, and I agree with you, had almost a dissuasive tone or a discouraging tone. I think the thinking behind that was that we wanted people to understand the importance of whistle-blowing, and the fact is, things have happened. Reprisal is not something that we can pretend doesn't exist in the system, but our new five questions, I think, put a much more positive spin on it.
With respect to the numbers specifically, as I said in my opening remarks, Mr. Chair, we have to take into account the fact that there's a very crowded landscape of recourse mechanisms in the federal public sector.
I don't replace anybody. I'm not an appeal body from anybody. It's not uncommon for someone to come to my office to say, “I was just at the Human Rights Commission. I don't like the decision. Can you please review it?” I was not created as an appeal court for those bodies.
I also have great discretion under the act. I believe a significant portion of the cases that I don't act on are those that I feel can be better dealt with by another body. It's not that those situations go unattended.
For example, I'll use the human rights situation. If someone comes to my office and says that they've been discriminated against, contrary to the charter of rights, would that be a wrongdoing? Absolutely, if it's proven to be true. Does my office need to be the office that says that? Maybe not. I respect the expertise that other tribunals and other bodies have, so in a typical case, if there is such a thing in my world, we would likely say to that person, “We think that the Human Rights Commission and the tribunal, with its expertise and its specific remedies and its specific processes, is the appropriate place for you to take your—”