Thank you for that, Mr. Chair, and thank you to the witnesses for being here with us this morning.
I have a few questions.
Mr. Friday, you suggest some legislative changes, but in your presentation you also rightly acknowledge the need to change the culture. Obviously it takes more than legislative change to effect that change.
In your defence and in your department's defence, though, the culture itself isn't really a unique culture. The culture you're pushing against is actually human nature. If I'm a whistle-blower or an employee, why would I come forward with a complaint? Why would I subject myself to what I consider a very cumbersome process, to the possibility of reprisal, and to the possibility that I might be wrong or may have misinterpreted or didn't really see what I thought I saw? It seems to me the obstacles in the place of a potential complainant are manifold, and some of them are, quite frankly, beyond your or anyone's control.
I think the crux of whistle-blower legislation in general is that it's trying to address human nature, the tendency for people to go about just doing their jobs, putting their time in, supporting their families, and not wanting to rock the boat, so to speak—and who can blame them?
The more cumbersome we make it.... I come from the world of litigation, and the biggest complaint among my colleagues is that civil procedure is extremely cumbersome and is not necessarily fair to the plaintiff. Defendants can use it to slow down the process, to delay it and get to the end they want.
Then I came here, and I realized that Ontario civil procedure is like a walk in the park compared to some of the regimes we've built here in Ottawa. Even under this act, I have three options as to where to come forward as a complainant, but I can also grieve it to my union. There may be a human rights component, and in that case I can avail myself of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
It seems to me that the process is massive and that we don't do enough to empower the potential complainant. Even if we could change the culture and change the attitude, what would I do, practically speaking, if I were a new employee or a relatively young employee and I saw something I thought was wrongdoing? Even if you appeal to a sense of duty or my sense of doing what's right for Canada, why should I be the one taking that risk when there are 400,000 other people who aren't? I see that as the big obstacle, and I don't know what you, Mr. Friday, or what we as legislators can do to address that obstacle, except maybe make this culture shift.
There seems to be a consensus that there are not very many complaints coming forward. Maybe there's nothing anyone can do about it, but we can make sure the complaints that do come forward are processed properly, that the procedural fairness levers are place, and it doesn't become.... The fear of reprisal, I think, is only one obstacle. Who wants to become engulfed in procedure after procedure and lengthy delays, not knowing what it's going to do?
Mr. Chair, I've represented complainants in civil proceedings. It changes your life. It becomes your entire life. If you are on a three- or four-day trial, the month before, you can't think of anything else. You can't sleep. It literally takes the wind out of a lot of people's sails. If I'm working for the public service, why would I want to risk all that for what I think might be a wrongdoing, when none of my colleagues are coming forward?