Thank you.
As you know, we represent different members. The PSAC represents the compensation officers; however, we represent the IT people. I know for certain that early on in this project, in this Phoenix transformation—and I'll let PSAC speak to it—that they were raising alerts about the potential hazards we were facing with the transformation to Phoenix. We were also raising alerts from a systems perspective. Of course, early on it was about contracting this out without doing proper examination of the internal abilities to do this project. Government pay systems were built and maintained and run by our members for the 40 years that this system has been patched together. It continued to pay people, and we believe that Phoenix could have been completely averted had we had better avenues to prevent this from being contracted out.
However, in the context of the whistle-blowing legislation, we have further concerns that the more you contract out, the less ability there is to blow the whistle on wrongdoing. For example, if somebody over at IBM who's in charge of the Phoenix project is involved in wrongdoing, how do we even know about it, much less take steps to have that revealed to us? The further you get away into subcontracts, the less likely you will ever even find out that wrongdoing is occurring. That's where our concerns are.