Thank you for the question.
You mentioned two things, and I'll add a third. On the lease program itself, frankly, the feedback we've received from our members is that it's not really relevant, for a variety of reasons. It's too small, and it relies on the landlords themselves to apply for the funding and then eat the 25% losses.
We're suggesting instead that the money, just as in the wage subsidy program, should go directly to the tenants, and then the tenants can pay the landlords that way.
We think the program has been designed backwards. We've communicated that, and hopefully we'll see some adjustments on it. It needs to be bigger and targeted at the tenants rather than the landlords.
The other piece you didn't mention, which was mentioned by others, is the absolute cost of operating safely. The extra barriers that are put in place and the PPE that's required, based on new government guidelines and regulations, are incredibly expensive. Even the ability to continue social distancing and operating at the same time means things like break rooms can't be used the same way they used to be.
There are a lot of additional costs, such as on-site testing for temperatures and things like that, which some of our members are doing. We need some type of support for that, in addition to the training of the executive and the staff. We need some help on those fixed costs in those areas for sure.