I'm going to push back on some of the narrative that has been circulated among Canadians. Your department is quoted as follows:
Considering the high renovation costs for the current residence and the value of the property, [GAC has] recommended a relocation to a new, smaller, more suitable, and more economical apartment.
In addition of representing a saving opportunity of [more than $2 million]...it will also reduce ongoing maintenance costs and property taxes, supports future program needs, and meets representational requirements.
At first blush, this may give the impression to Canadians that you're actually downsizing. When Canadians think of the term “downsizing”, they think of perhaps raising a family, having an empty nest and moving from a four- to five-bedroom home to a small one-bedroom or two-bedroom condo, but that's the furthest from the truth in relation to the acquisition of this property on Billionaires' Row. In fact, the old property on Park Avenue was roughly 3,800 square feet, and you downsized—wait for it—to a whopping 3,600 square feet. The rooms have actually increased. The old property had 12 rooms, and the new property has 14 rooms. You're not giving Canadians the full truth here. You're not being honest with them in terms of the actual blueprint.
I also want to talk about the operating costs. You keep talking about these savings, and that you're saving Canadians up to $115,000 per year. I've got the listings from both of these properties from a website called StreetEasy. The old monthly maintenance cost, which includes the common fees and the taxes, is $13,147 U.S. per month. The new property is not a savings at all: Taxes and common charges are actually $15,213, so it's $2,000 U.S. per month more for this new property that's supposed to be saving Canadians money.
You're misrepresenting the facts. You're not telling the truth to Canadians. I want you to be aware of this, and I want you to comment on it, because you talk in broad strokes about these savings, but when you dig down into this, there's no savings at all.
Let's talk about the utility costs. What currently are the utility costs on Park Avenue versus utility costs on 57th Street? Is there a savings?