I think we could spend an hour talking about the lessons learned from Phoenix, unfortunately.
I'll mention two of them anyway.
Firstly, we're going to proceed gradually, not in a big bang. We're not going to set up a system for 400,000 employees all at once. Instead, we're going to proceed one department at a time, and adapt according to all the lessons learned as the project progresses.
Secondly, we have adopted an integrated transparency approach. The aim of this approach is to provide the public with as much information as possible. All information related to our committee meetings, systems architecture, third-party reports and data reports will be made available to the public. In fact, they already are. Every quarter, we publish an online update with all the documents. We organize briefings for the media and all government officials. I think this is one of the first times we've put out a call to all Canadian government employees to give them updates.
From our side, if we're missing something, we want to know about it.