Ms. Reza, are you saying that you're checking all the CVs? We know what happened with GC Strategies and the edits they made, which were fraudulent clearly. I just want some certainty.
I think what we're trying to say to you is that these are serious allegations, enough for a whole department to suspend activities.
I'm going to leave it for a second, because I need to go to a question here. Your government has committed to spending $21.6 billion to highly paid consultants on outsourcing for services for Canadians. My understanding is that you're going to cut 15% of what you've allocated for outsourcing.
We had the PBO here last week. He identified that it would cost about $904 million for the government to help protect about 250,000 businesses by extending the CEBA loan for one year. He agreed with my calculations last week that an approximately 4.2% cut on outsourcing would cover the whole cost of the CEBA loan extension, so you could cut outsourcing by 4.2% and choose to help 250,000 businesses, a third of which have identified that they can't even borrow from the bank; they won't be able to pay the loan, and they'll lose the forgivable portion.
Why are you choosing these highly paid consultants over 250,000 businesses that need help?