Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I live in hope that the government will live up to the words they've said, which are open transparency. I'm not surprised that there seems to be some confusion among the Liberal members about what actually is being seen at the industry committee, since that committee is not seeing public documents. It's a secret, hidden process that tries to ensure that members are unable to ask questions, once they see the contracts, about what's in them.
Having read the Volkswagen contract, I can tell you what's not in it. What's not in it is a commitment to Canadian jobs, contrary to what the Liberal members say. That contract has no commitment to hiring jobs for Canadians. I can also tell you what else isn't in it—a power of the government to redact the contract on request of it being public. Those are facts. Those aren't in the contract, and since the minister has said these marry with each other, we know that that's the case in Stellantis. Why would anyone want to presuppose what should be released by picking and choosing contracts, which most members here have not seen, and by picking and choosing which clauses should be public? They don't know what clauses should be public, because they haven't seen the contract.
There are provisions in most normal commercial contracts with the government that allow when you're getting taxpayer money, particularly in this case more than $15 billion of taxpayers' money, $1,000 per household, that you expect when you're doing business with the Government of Canada, that elements of your contracts will be open and transparent. That's part of doing business. If you don't want to do that business, then don't take taxpayer money if you want to be secret and hide from what you're trying to do.
The question here before us in this main motion is that we have a motion that simply asks for transparency. I just came from questioning theMinister of Industry in the finance committee on this contract. When I asked him if he read the contract, he gave a “Bernadette Jordan” type of answer. You remember Bernadette, the former fisheries minister, whom I beat. She was asked if she had read the Marshall decision, a pretty fundamental thing for the fishery, and she said no before committee. Do you know what the minister said? He said he'd been apprised of it and has been kept informed about what's in the contract.
The minister, a corporate lawyer, has the department approve a $15-billion contract, which he hasn't read. Obviously, that's why he's confused, because the ambassador from South Korea said there are 1,600 South Koreans coming as foreign replacement workers. They're going to need housing, and that's why he met with everybody. At the same time, the minister—this minister—has said only a couple of days ago that there are only a few jobs, contradicting the South Korean ambassador, who I don't think was freelancing.
Then we had another minister, the Minister of Natural Resources, saying on Twitter last Thursday that of course there were foreign workers coming from South Korea.
We've had the company in the space of a week give out three or four different numbers about what's coming. Is it 900, is it 600, or is it 1,600? Every day they seem to give out a different number.
This has become so bad, and our motion mentions the four contracts—the Volkswagen contract; the NextStar one, which is the Stellantis contract; the Ford contract in the Bloc Québécois leader's riding, with a Swedish company. Guess what they said on the weekend when they were asked what was going on? They said they're bringing in foreign workers, because, of course, that contract mirrors the Volkswagen contract, which I've seen, and the Stellantis contract, which clearly don't have a provision that prohibits foreign workers, and actually allows for it, and does not require Canadian workers as the only ones.
The government disputes this. I've asked questions in question period and the minister talks about the amount of money the companies are putting in, and some “fairy dust” thing about 300,000 jobs in Ontario from a report by Trillium. Trillium, if you search it.... I engage MP Sousa andMP Bains to come back and find the word “VW” in the Trillium contract. It doesn't appear. Find the word ”Stellantis” in the Trillium contract. It doesn't appear.
Yet the minister fancies himself as some guy who is creating 300,000 jobs in this industry if you sprinkle fairy dust here. In fact, when the Parliamentary Budget Officer was before the committee on his estimates, he said that the five-year payback, which the minister said in the House, would actually be 20 years.
I said that really, if you take the Volkswagen contract alone, or the Stellantis contract alone, and you take the number of jobs—if they were Canadian and if they were paying Canadian taxes at the average range of $100,000—it would actually take 150 years for that $15 billion to be paid back to taxpayers.
I don't think we'll be buying lithium batteries 150 years from now and I don't think we'll be buying EVs 10 years from now, as this government has decided to invest in the Betamax of batteries.
When you go forward on this and ask, what are they hiding, what the government is trying to hide, clearly, is transparency. If they believed that the contract meant Canadian jobs only, they'd be rushing that contract out publicly to say, you guys are wrong. See, we're telling you they're wrong because we've released it. For the jobs in the Bloc Québécois leader's riding, the jobs in the member for Windsor's riding, the jobs in St. Thomas, Ontario, they clearly are not required to hire Canadians only.
The government members say that we're going to get all the information. How? The only way to get all the information is to release the contract, and for anyone around here to assume that they know what's in the contract, I'll just ask for one line in the contract, the contract you haven't seen. You don't know all the provisions of every clause of a 20- or 30- or 40-page contract. Hopefully a $15 billion contract is more than 20 pages, but I can tell you, you'd be disappointed if you read the Volkswagen contract to see it much longer than that.
In the case of this, the IRA, the minister has made it public that this mirrors the IRA. The IRA, if you've read it on the provision part, says very clearly what the IRA does, which is that 100% of the cost of developing a battery between now and 2029 is covered by the taxpayer; 75% the year after; 50% the year after that; 25% the year after that. That's in the clause in the IRA. The Parliamentary Budget Officer, at committee, confirmed that the contracts mirror that provision.
We're talking about massive government subsidies that are paying 100% of what is 40% of the cost of an electronic vehicle so that batteries made with parts from China, where over 80% of the cathodes and anodes and the parts for EV batteries are made—they're not made in Canada—can get assembled, not manufactured, in Quebec and in Ontario, and shipped to the United States to be assembled in vehicles in the United States and sold in the United States. That is $15 billion in Stellantis and another $15 billion in Volkswagen of taxpayer money for foreign replacement workers to work in those plants, to pay taxes back home in South Korea so that batteries can be shipped to the United States and sold in the United States.
We're using Canadian taxpayer subsidies to subsidize the profits of global multinationals so that cars can be sold in the United States. If anyone is going to get the discount because of that—and I doubt Volkswagen and Stellantis will pass on a discount—it will be the Americans, not Canadians. Meanwhile all the employee taxes, or three-quarters of them, are going to go off to the foreign replacement workers who are being brought in by Stellantis and by the Swedish company that is partnering in this.
If you have confidence, which you espouse and project and say you have, then put your money where your mouth is and release the contracts. If you won't do that, you're clearly hiding something because you know what you're hiding is the fact that there aren't Canadian job guarantees in this contract, and that Stellantis is free to do exactly what it is they sent their South Korean Ambassador to Canada to do, which is to bring in 1,600 people from Korea to work in that plant, out of the 2,500 jobs—some bargain.
The minister said he hasn't even read the contract when I asked him less than an hour ago. He knows the elements of the contract. He is too busy getting his Aeroplan points around the world and doing his salesmanship and trying to generate his media for his leadership bid to actually read a contract. I thought the guy was a corporate lawyer and actually understood that you don't sign a contract without reading it, and certainly not a contract that spends $15 billion, the biggest subsidy ever to a single company, and it's not even a Canadian company.
If you think these things are working and you don't believe me, picture the opening of the CAMI plant last spring opened in Ingersoll. The Prime Minister was there, the Minister of Industry was there. Isn't that wonderful? We have the full, first EV car assembly plant in Canada. It's wonderful. It's a big deal, lots of press coverage, lots of great, local jobs.
Do you know how many jobs are at that plant right now? There are zero. It was shut down two months ago, after only six months of operation because they can't get any parts. Do you know where the parts come from? They come from China, and China won't send the parts.
This strategy is a failure, no matter what the minister says. He doesn't want it exposed. He doesn't want the contracts released because he is afraid. He's afraid to show the fact that he screwed up. He didn't put Canadian jobs first. He didn't put Canadian union jobs first. He said that this was to save the auto industry. The only jobs he's saving are for 1,600 people who are coming here from South Korea. They're not immigrants. They're not temporary foreign workers.
It's a load of you-know-what, for everyone who's watching—