If I may, in order for me as a consultant, with my expertise, to take all the courses I have to take to stay current and certified, if you will, along with the fact that I actually need to go and deliver on projects, to say that I've done these projects before, I don't have the time to actually do a lot of the administration, to go out and do the sales and marketing, to actually manage all of the security, and to manage all of the other components, if you will. I use tier one and tier two companies for that. They literally come to me when they need my skill set, so there is a huge advantage.
For example, I've submitted CVs on RFPs that are over 78 pages long. The reason they're that long is that I actually have to go and map my expertise to that requirement in order to get points. Even doing an RFP is well over 70 hours of work. That's almost two full weeks of not working, when I could be making money.