As regards antidepressants, I remember that, a few years back, patients were unaware of the fact that there has to be a period of desensitization before the treatment is discontinued, and that you can't just suddenly stop taking antidepressants. That can even lead to suicide, because the patient feels very badly and there are psychological effects, as well as an effect on a person's mental balance. Few physicians actually told their patients that. Again, that was something that appeared in the headlines, and that is how we found out that some patients were experiencing extremely adverse effects, which could even lead to death.
I would like to come back to Dr. Gowing, who says that he is collating a lot of information and has a lot of data about adverse effects that are not really being passed on. There seems to be a number of different ways of reporting the information, in order for people to be made aware of the adverse effects of certain drugs. I am a little surprised to hear you say that, because we are always told that the practitioners, who most often are professionals, are the ones reporting the most information to Health Canada through the various data banks, including MedEffect, but there is also the Canadian Health Network, which collates certain kinds of information.
Could you suggest a mechanism that would be more efficient, since the information does not seem to be getting out, and that is exactly what we would like to see happen?