In relation to having a list, you have to understand that you have to provide a mechanism for a list. In other words, if you establish a positive list, you have to establish a mechanism by which that list can evolve over time, because suppliers have new technologies and they will want to change things, like how they make the paper, the filter material. So if you're going to take an approach that is a positive list, then you have to provide a mechanism for review, and then it becomes extremely awkward.
If you take a different approach, an approach where a list is created through what the intent of the material is, combined with what it must not be, then it becomes relatively easy for a legislator or a health official to be able to evaluate a product and say there is no problem with it. We'd have a guideline by which to evaluate a product or an ingredient, so we could say, “Okay, that's what it can be”, or “These are the kinds of purposes that are allowable and these are the kinds of effects that are not allowable.” It becomes very easy to make the judgment as to whether you can or can't.
It's just a question of how one wants to establish the approach and the framework by which you establish the regulations. We're certainly open to advancing any discussions as to how to make that workable.