Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you very much for being here and taking the time.
Chief Knott, you made a very clear statement that I think we should all take note of, and that is that unless we take some major steps now, we could be facing some very tragic consequences. I think that's why we're all here, to prevent that from happening.
I think what Pamela and Maxine have shown us is that there are some very good initiatives out there and that Health Canada is in part doing its job, but that there seems to be an overall lack of coordination and communication in terms of a strategy for all first nations and Inuit communities.
So I want to know from all of you, what's the best way to do that right now? What advice should we give to the minister and the officials, who will appear after you, about how we can get the kind of program you have in your community, Garden River, and take that experience and that wealth of knowledge and share it among all, what, 600 first nation and Inuit communities across this country? Does anybody have any ideas on that?
Chief Knott.