Thanks for being here to help us do our job, which is to have oversight of preparedness on behalf of Parliament.
Our job is to know very clearly that appropriate accountability and measures are in place. So I'm going to ask about two areas. One is about oversight and the other is about the resources for it. I'm trying to get through terms such as “we have the impression”, or “we feel that”, or “I guess it's my responsibility”, and to get to what can be tabled so we can actually assure ourselves as a committee that the oversight and accountability are clear.
Do you have a written mandate with respect to this coordinated response? I'd like to see a copy of it. Does the mandate have measures?
I will just list some of the aspects of accountability that I'm asking about. Are there measures of the success in your job and of your minister's responsibility? Where is the scientific advice coming from for you and your minister? And last, if you're reviewing a plan and checking to see if it's of adequate quality and your department says, “Here's a deficiency in the plan”, and the other department says, “We don't think it's deficient, it's fine”, who then signs off on that? And who is ultimately responsible for the plan being satisfactory and according to what measures? So that's on the accountability side.
And on the resources side, I'd like to know what your budget is for this extra work regarding H1N1. Is there additional money budgeted for training and resources to do this oversight? And secondly, do you support the departments with their extra costs of training and extra workload?
And last, is there extra funding for business continuity in the departments in the case of critical services—because that will mean hiring and incurring extra costs? Are the departments to be supported by a specific budget for that?
Thank you.