Dave was, if anyone knew him, a perfectionist. He was a perfectionist from the time he was a kid.
With that type-A personality he probably always had a certain level of anxiety in his life. Typically he was a high achiever, so he wasn't satisfied with anything other than being stellar at everything he did. He probably had a low level of anxiety throughout his life.
At the same time, he never knew how to leave a job or to have anything other than an absolute 24/7 work ethic. When you're an MP from Saskatchewan, as Mrs. Block can attest to, you don't have direct flights to Ottawa. So you get up at four in the morning on Monday, take that 6 a.m. flight, and when you get to Ottawa you can't just go and have a nap at the hotel; you have to go to question period right from the airport. You have a long day. It's that sort of thing. So there's the constant travel.
He was in a minority government for the entire time he served, and that was a huge difference. I'm happy to see now there's a majority and you have much more stability in your lives, hopefully, with the result of a majority. That was difficult, certainly. But there was the travel schedule, the constant changing of time zones.
Also, the first time Dave won, he won by 124 votes, and that never left his mind. Whereas sometimes people might want to go home on the weekend and not do any events and have a relaxing weekend, we were always going to events. We lost some balance in our life, definitely. Before he was an MP, we'd have date nights and that sort of thing. Date nights went a little bit the way of the dodo bird. Our date nights were now at banquets in Regina and Moose Jaw.
It's always important to keep balance in your life, no matter what your job is. That certainly was a contributing factor.
I mentioned that he had become dependent on prescription pills to help him sleep and to reduce the anxiety, and there's no doubt that was exacerbated during the time he was an MP.