Thank you very much.
I would like to follow up on what my colleague Dr. Carrie was saying about self-empowerment. This concerns me a lot as well. First of all, I would mention that I am an MP from a rural region of Quebec, so I am very happy to see that there is a lot of attention being given to rural regions today. Also since I am a general practitioner, prevention is very important to me.
More specifically, I would like to know what role the federal government can play in trying to improve prevention with the help of innovation and technologies. We addressed the question a littler earlier on. I mention this as an example, because oddly enough, the Auditor General published a report today in which he lamented the fact that $100 million was allotted to the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research in order to implement prevention and reduction strategies for diabetes.The government takes this matter seriously and has a role to play in preventing different chronic illnesses, both in urban and rural Canada. At the same time, the Auditor General is saying that no coordination took place.
Therefore, a lot of taxpayers' money was invested in this and with no results to show for it. There was redundancy. I still have the same question: is the solution to add more money that will be poorly administered by some governments, or is it to coordinate our efforts so that people empower themselves?
I will try to finish up my question. I imagine that evolving technology also has negative effects. People with diabetes or high blood pressure think that it's not a big deal, because they figure they can just take medication to solve their problems thanks to advances in the medical field. So they don't think that they need to take responsibility for their own health, do more exercise or eat better. They are happy to take their pill. Before long, it becomes a box of pills per day. I get the impression that on the whole, Canadians don't take their health seriously, or at least they don't want to improve themselves.