Thank you all very much for coming here today.
I'm going to start off my comments with a highlight. For disclosure, I am a practising pharmacist, so I have some knowledge in this area. I'm going to start off by highlighting a particular problem. You raised many issues, but let's focus on something that's going to confront all of us. Let's talk about Alzheimer's.
Right now we have 45 million people worldwide who live with this disease. I don't have the Canadian figures, but we can extrapolate. The current cost in the United States to treat this disease is $225 billion every year. By 2050 the cost will go up to $1.2 trillion.
Between 2010 and 2012 we had 413 clinical trials. We had 244 potential drug candidates. We had a 99.6% failure rate between phase I and phase II. Currently we have no cure.
You mentioned also, Dr. Edwards, that when it comes to diabetes, you have the subgroups when it comes to personalized medicine. You're going to face the same situation when you come to Alzheimer's. You also said there's no law of physics that says that a company must produce, distribute, and come up with the potential drug candidate. Open science, to me, is the one aspect going forward that can fold in all the issues that we're having, whether with current diseases—diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's—or neglected diseases, especially the 12 or 13 tropical diseases that nobody talks about anymore. We have to change the ecosystem among government, industry, researchers and financiers.
This is such a broad topic, but I want the committee to get an understanding of what can be done practically right now. We are a small science power. We represent less than 2% of the global pharmaceutical market. What can we do? Given our lack of finances compared to those of the bigger countries or the richer countries, what can we do to lead the process forward, to change fundamentally research not only in Canada but around the world? The diseases we're talking about are going to affect not only Canadians. They're going to affect people worldwide, so it's incumbent upon us, being an educated country, not only to worry about our own citizens but also to provide a step forward for those citizens who live in different parts of the world and who don't have the same access we do.
What fundamentally, practically, can we do to change the ecosystem so Canada can be a leader as opposed to a follower? I can ask everybody for their comment on this.
You can start.