Let me start with the beginning of your question, which is why unions would reject it.
We don't have to look any further than British Columbia. Some of the unions there, the public service unions, accepted what they called a pharmacare tie-in type of plan, all being told that the plan was just as good as what they already had, and quickly found out that this wasn't the case. There were a large number of grievances, payments, and exceptions made to the so-called pharmacare plan because some members didn't have it.
What I'm suggesting, sir, is that if you take the plan away, people aren't just going to agree with it.
In some cases with the private plans, is it possible to have more appropriate prescribing? Certainly, and it's the same with the public plan. I don't think that's necessarily determined by whether it's public or private.
To come back to your earlier question, I think that, whether through the private sector or the public sector, every Canadian should have access to an affordable drug plan. I leave it either to this committee's making recommendations or to the individual provinces getting together, but there are clearly coverage gaps, and they need to address those. I think there's a great opportunity for the private insurance industry, which frankly I think has missed the boat on this, but as well for the public plans to provide a basic plan.
In Alberta, anyone can sign up to the provincial drug plan just by paying the premiums. Quebec has coverage. Now, they have issues with their model, but.... There are models out there, and I think we can get to a point where everybody has coverage.