It was over a month, a month and a half even, before the protections were put in place. I attribute some of that to confusion in the Public Health Agency, because at the beginning, our members were told they should not and could not wear face coverings, even though some of those inspectors wanted to supply their own.
Then later on it was decided that face coverings would be helpful if everyone wore them. That was confusing. The face coverings and face shields were not available. Some plants did manage to acquire both face coverings and face shields. In those cases, the CFIA told the plant that if they were going to provide their employees with protection, they had to provide CFIA inspectors with that protection.
However, in the plants that didn't provide those protections, the inspectors in those plants didn't get the protections. In my opinion, the pause button should have been pushed. An assessment should have been done and a determination made at that point of how they were going to protect everyone in those plants. Once that determination is made, then you move forward with your protections in place. It was piecemeal, by all interpretations, in my opinion.