Hello, and warm greetings to all in attendance, including the members of the committee and the chair.
My name is Stephen Wile. I'm chief executive officer of The Mustard Seed. Thank you for having me here today.
The Mustard Seed is a Christian non-profit organization that has been caring for individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty since 1984. Operating in five cities across Alberta and British Columbia, The Mustard Seed is a supportive haven where people can have their physical, mental and spiritual needs met and can grow toward greater health and independence. Our vision is to eliminate homelessness and reduce poverty where we serve.
Currently we serve in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer and Medicine Hat, in Alberta; and Kamloops in British Columbia. Our mission is to build hope and well-being for our most vulnerable citizens through Jesus' love.
Through this past year of the pandemic, our vision and mission remained unchanged, but how we do this has required creative adaptation, resilience, flexibility and grace to respond to the ongoing changes while staying focused on serving those in need. This dramatic transformation in our world has provided an opportunity to expand our reach and find creative solutions to help even more of our vulnerable neighbours.
In times of need, when our clients have no one to care for them or a place to call home to provide safety, we are there with open arms and a welcoming spirit. The pandemic has changed many things, but our clients' and staff's well-being, health and safety have always been our main focus.
The trends we have seen this past year are, first, increased numbers of unique individuals experiencing homelessness. In some of our locations, the overall numbers in our shelters were down, and yet we saw the number of unique individuals experiencing homelessness increase. In Edmonton, for example, the number of unique individuals using our shelter services increased by 15%.
Second, those who experience homelessness have increased risk for COVID due to barriers in following public health directives. While we were able to provide a space in Calgary for those experiencing symptoms to isolate, many who experienced homelessness in other cities were unable to easily isolate as a close contact or as being symptomatic. During the beginning of the pandemic, many public spaces were shut down, causing increased challenges for accessing spaces for individuals to remain warm, or bathrooms in which to practise appropriate hygiene.
Third, we have seen significant collaboration between health and social service agencies in the cities we serve, resulting in increased partnership and collaboration to providing wraparound supports, not only in relationship to COVID but to improving the overall health of this population. This has resulted in deep, rich partnerships with other homeless-serving organizations. This has been essential in containing the spread of COVID in the shelter system, but also in creating a coordinated effort to provide vaccinations to our populations.
Fourth, vaccinations have been a challenge, as our overall homeless population in Alberta, for example, has only been eligible for vaccinations since April 19. While many individuals were eligible prior to that due to their complex health concerns, transportation and booking for these vaccinations were significant barriers to their accessing them. The rollout in Alberta, for example, has not been optimal, because of a lack of understanding, in particular by Alberta Health Services, of those experiencing homelessness.
Fifth, we have seen increased numbers of overdoses, substance use disorders and acute mental health concerns. We have seen an increase in maladaptive coping strategies to the social isolation, the lack of comprehensive and available services, and the general anxiety due to the pandemic. For a period of time, we had to close our wellness centre due to public health restrictions.
Moving forward, my recommendations are the following:
First, provide funding for a significant increase in affordable housing. The current and proposed funding for affordable housing barely touches the need, as demonstrated by the rapid housing initiative this past year and the overwhelming response to that initiative.
Second, provide funding for health supports in the shelter system itself. This not only includes primary care, but also allied health professionals, who can target the multi-faceted health needs of this population and the increasing acuity of mental health and substance use disorders, which this pandemic has not only revealed but exacerbated.
Mental health is highlighted in the literature related to this vulnerable population and the pandemic, and for good reason. We have seen the acute effects in our shelters. There is a dire need to provide increased mental health supports, and it is difficult to provide these during the pandemic.
Third, ensure that vaccine supplies are targeted to this population and an effective strategy of care is created to ensure that all who consent to it receive their second dose in a timely and efficient manner.
Finally, after the focus on vaccines and triaging the current public health crisis ebbs, we encourage you to consider a longer-term strategy for approaching and funding the wraparound supports that The Mustard Seed embodies across the sector—all of this in addition to housing.
This pandemic has laid bare the need for increased mental health and substance-use disorder supports in the long term, where individuals are moved out of homelessness not only into permanent housing but also into a system that ensures multi-faceted care to address their social determinants of health and prevent future homelessness.
Thanks again to everyone, the members of the committee and the chair of the committee, for having me here to speak about the work we do at The Mustard Seed. As we say at The Seed, hope grows here. Thank you.