My mother-in-law is also undergoing treatment for cancer, so I've experienced this personally. What I see among my patients is that what it takes to address health issues is truly being magnified. It's being magnified by the COVID pandemic itself and a lack of access to services, both within hospital and primary care services, although we are certainly doing our best to support people. It's also magnifying the social divides and barriers, and the gaps we see in our society, right?
What were previously, for some, lower levels of barriers are now rising. People who live in high-risk neighbourhoods, especially people who are racialized, people who live in higher-risk buildings, especially people who are low income, are finding it even harder to access supports and medical care than they did before.
There are a number of ways we can approach this. For a start, I would echo what Dr. Collins put forward about the need to put primary care at the forefront of our health system response. It is truly primary care providers who can come from within the health care system and dig most deeply into the realities of people's lives.
This is what I spend my time doing every single day. This is true of people who live in low-income situations who are socially marginalized, and as Mr. Wile pointed out, people who are right on the margins and homeless. We are the ones who are truly accessing people everywhere.
We need to look at a higher systemic level of support. When we talk about the fact that people who are racialized and with low income have more difficulty accessing services, we need to think about why that is. We do not need to look at the individuals, but at the systemic factors behind their difficulty in accessing services.
There is real racism built into our systems that pushes people who are racialized away from accessing care. We need to do a deep dive as a health care system into understanding why that is, first, by collecting and looking at data to allow us to understand what the experiences are of people who are racialized, who face other elements of social marginalization, and then by targeting specific health care and social services toward those communities to correct those inequities.
When it comes to addressing the needs of people who are low income, I don't want to sound pat, but the answer is not all that complicated. Living on low income requires a response of increasing access to income. I certainly see that, and I've always seen that as a health-relevant response to a health-relevant issue. We need to urgently ensure that our income support programs provide an adequate income for anyone to live and survive in Canada