Thank you.
First of all, I don't doubt the bona fides of everybody at this committee. I think everybody wants to do the right thing.
I think a bit of a brief summary of its history is important.
In 2007, the food and beverage industry launched the Canadian children's food and beverage advertising initiative. That is basically a voluntary code that was limited to broadcast advertising. That's been in place for quite a while.
Health Canada has indicated for several years now that it intends to address the issue of the marketing of unhealthy food to children. Its 2016 healthy eating strategy—that's seven years ago—included the statement, “Health Canada will restrict the commercial marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to kids.”
In December 2017—about six years ago—the department released its consultation report, “Restricting Marketing of Unhealthy Food and Beverages to Children in Canada”, which outlined stakeholder responses to the department's proposed approach to restricting such advertising.
The current mandate letter issued to the Minister of Health and the ones issued—I think every single one—since 2015, have included an instruction to either introduce or support restrictions on the commercial marketing of food and beverages to children. As my colleague, Mr. Thériault, has pointed out, Quebec has had legislation in this area for many years. In fact, it's much broader legislation.
There are a couple of things I want to say.
There's nothing new here. In fact, I would say we're much delayed in introducing legislation.
Second, I don't think it's a tenable statement to suggest that we haven't heard from people. Every stakeholder, every parent and every group have had multiple opportunities to have their input.
In terms of government amendments to this bill, I've reviewed every amendment from both sides of this room. I think the amendments from the government are more in the nature of administrative or honing amendments. They don't change the substance of the bill. They sort of shape the definitions to put it in more of a regulation-friendly way.
The last thing I'm going to say is that we're talking about the health of our children here, so I don't think it's unreasonable to raise whether have we canvassed this issue enough. I just think that the record is very clear: We have.
I agree with my colleagues who weren't on this committee in 2018, but that record is there, as Mr. van Koeverden pointed out. The Hansard record is there to read it all. If any member of this committee wants to find out what stakeholders have to say about this, it's there. We don't have to hear it in person again.
Now, I'll conclude that if we do hear it in person, there's one result of this. It is that we'll delay. We'll delay legislation that is geared at improving our children's health and that we've been waiting the better part of a decade to bring to this House.
The question I would ask is, for what purpose? What's gained? Are we going to hear something new? No. Are we going prevent people who wanted to have their say from doing so? No.
When I contrast that to the impact this will have on seven-year-old, nine-year-old, 11-year-old or 12-year-old children, who.... We've heard in this committee many times that there is an epidemic of childhood obesity in this country. This goes to a very strong matter of public health.
I think we'll have an opportunity to question Ms. Lattanzio, who introduced this bill, but I think it's really time to act.
If I thought that we were going to hear anything new or if this bill were significantly different in any way from the bill that's been introduced in the past, then I would support my Conservative colleague's motion in this regard, but it's not. This is the same legislation on the same issue that's been much delayed, much studied and much heard from.
I think we, as parliamentarians, have a duty to the children of this country to act.