Just to be clear on why we support this legislation, Mr. Milner talks about it and we might have the opportunity to talk to him. When he juxtaposed and looked at other jurisdictions where they have this in place, from his study, there seems to have been an improvement—and I would use the word “incremental” for sure. There are other things that need to be done, and I think he has suggested that as well.
But we also have to look at what the status quo is. The amount of cynicism that was injected into our political culture when prime ministers used their power cynically, just to advantage themselves, far outweighs the concerns I have about fixed election dates. This sets the parameters so that the people, be they the fourth estate or others, can examine this. I'm willing and we're willing to have this reform take place and then we can get on with real democratic reform...well, not real, but more substantive democratic reform, like PR.
Thank you.