Thank you.
I want to return to the question that we were examining before, starting maybe with a statement and then a question.
If we're looking at the democratic deficit, one of the concerns people have had over the last number of years has been the concentration of power within the executive branch. As I said before, it's not a panacea, but my hope is to at least spread that power a bit more. One way you can do that is to not give all the cards, if you will, to one person's hand, but to share them.
One of the aspects of this is the issue of confidence. I don't want to beat this to death, which means I'm going to subtly beat it to death, but when we're talking about issues of confidence—and I was interested in the comments that were made—we're under the understanding that, yes, it's up to Parliament to decide. But I was referencing something in committee before, when the Prime Minister said the vote on Afghanistan was going to be a vote in Parliament and then it turned it into a confidence vote. The notice for that was problematic, and I'm simply suggesting that ultimately we should have some boundaries around what is confidence, understanding that we're in an organic system, if you will, and if I can use that term, that is based on convention.
I would agree with the idea that it is a complex system, but in the nature of something that's organic and flows, you can influence it and have confluence. I was simply suggesting that. Are there not some criteria that could be set, if not in this bill then in some other manner, to talk about issues of confidence? Quite frankly, as Mr. Milner has said, this is about the participation of citizens, not for Parliament to play parlour tricks. If we're talking about the executive branch having that ability, in and of itself, and not about Parliament having the same ability, then we don't have an even keel.
I was just curious. Is it not important to at least acknowledge the issue of confidence when you're talking about a law like this, whereby you're hopefully setting the parameters around saying that if Parliament is to fall and there's lack of confidence, then it had better be for a darned good reason, and not just when you're trying to whip your own backbench? Quite frankly, that is what happened with other prime ministers, right? It was a threat to keep your folks in line. Clearly, that's not to the benefit of Canadians, it's to the benefit of the ruling party.