I'm just going to finish up Mr. Preston's time. He's been generous enough to give it to me.
I was just looking at the proposed amendments to the act. One of the things that is said, in proposed paragraph 143(2)(b), is that you can have “two pieces of identification establishing the elector's name and address that are authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer”. My understanding is that statutory declaration could actually be one of those pieces; there's nothing to prevent the Chief Electoral Officer from recognizing that.
If I were Chief Electoral Officer, I think I'd want to say that it has to be sworn out in a certain form, and I'd probably want to have that included as a schedule, or something like that. But if you see what I'm getting at, I think that perhaps the idea might actually be partially covered in the act right now.
I think, Mr. Quail, you suggested that.
Am I reading the act incorrectly when I say that?