That probably provides an answer to the question. If it had been something that was causing a great problem in some part of the country, I assume you would have gotten to hear about it.
I want to ask something else that relates to your new responsibilities. Actually, let me take a step back and say it relates more to the involvement that you've had internationally in the past, and the role that Canada, projecting forward now, could take in participating in the introduction of democracy and of oversight of elections in these countries.
There are two ways of approaching this. We could try to act where there is the greatest need, or we could try to have a focus that is based on countries that have some kind of similarity to ours. For example, I assume that part of our involvement in Haiti has to do with cultural and linguistic similarities. I'm wondering if there is a direction or a focus that seems to make sense, from your perspective, in regard to where we focus our efforts as we move forward and how we best use our resources in this regard.