I'd certainly be open to that, although there have been discussions. I'd be interested to hear our witnesses, Mr. Chair, at some point on this, just as clarification as to how we collectively work on this issue to try to move it forward in one form or another.
As Madam Redman indicated, the four whips did have a meeting where we met on a number of issues, one of which was this, which was raised as a concern by the Bloc.
The problem I identified there, which the Bloc has tried to address, is a problem that the Speaker himself raised with me--I've had a discussion with him about this already--and it is that he views the independents as a group. This came about because of a situation a number of parliaments ago when both the New Democratic Party and the Progressive Conservative Party at the time had insufficient members to be recognized parties in the House of Commons. All of us are aware that you have to have a minimum of 12 members to be recognized as a party and have all the benefits--I'll call them that--that flow from that recognition. They were both under the 12.
In order to pool their limited questions in question period, in the sense that if you addressed those people as complete independents.... For argument's sake, let's say you had nine people and you had three questions in question period, and you wanted on a given day to have the leader of your party have all three questions. Obviously if the Speaker didn't view you as a group, even though you weren't a recognized party, you wouldn't have the ability to pool your questions and basically assign them to only one member, because as an independent member, as the motion stands and as the argument is made, you might be entitled to one question per week.
That's the issue the Speaker raised with me. We don't have that situation currently, but presumably it could repeat itself at some point in the future, maybe with the Green Party or something, where they wouldn't have 12 members. They might have three or four members and they might want to pool their limited questions and only have their leader ask the questions. So then what does the Speaker do if, for parliamentary purposes, they're viewed three or four independents? That's the issue he's grappling with.
So what he has done, through extension of that argument, is say, okay, we have currently three independents in the House of Commons and they're entitled to x number of questions, so if two of the three don't choose to ask any questions, then the other independent can get effectively get their slots, for lack of a better term.
That's my understanding of the problem, if it indeed is a problem. The Bloc believes that it is a problem. The other three whips have certainly indicated we're willing to address it.
I think what Monsieur Guimond has done is try to address that in his motion by stating: “For the purposes of Standing Order 31.1(1), members of political parties not officially recognized in the House are not considered independent members.”
What he is trying to do is address that issue, so that if that were to manifest itself in a future Parliament, even though they might not be a recognized party, if they wanted to be grouped together, a group of MPs from a party, even if it wasn't an officially recognized party in the House of Commons, could group their questions and assign them to one person.
Is that right, Michel?