I would make two points, then. One point is on trying to determine who may or may not have done it, and it's always difficult, as Madam Redman was suggesting in her opening comments to this discussion.
I raised this at a previous meeting. I think we should have some procedure in place that is standard for the committees, or at least suggested to the committees. We all recognize, as soon as we get into the area of the House dictating to committees, that in that quicksand we don't want to tread too heavily. I think there is a need, because committees themselves have grappled with this issue and they've tried to look for some direction. Maybe we could help provide that.
Obviously it has to be communicated to all members well in advance so they clearly understand the gravity of the situation if they were to leak, for example, a draft committee report, which is often the case. It needs to be impressed very severely upon them what the consequences would be. That's the first thing.
Secondly, I think there should be some process. I'll just throw this out for discussion, because I know some committees have done this, but they've done it in camera and it doesn't provide any potential fear of disclosure--I'll put it that way--because then it too is subject to confidentiality. So it doesn't accomplish anything, but they've taken the step of saying, “Okay, enough members around the table are upset. We've worked damned hard on a report, and one of us obviously went out to the media and leaked it. What do we do?” So they say, “Let's swear an oath just like you would in a courtroom.” So you put your hand on the Bible and you swear an oath like when we were sworn in as members of Parliament. It's very serious, as it is in a court of law, because you know that if you perjure yourself and it's ever proven....
For example, let's say, an individual leaks a draft report, swears an oath saying that they didn't, that they're completely innocent, and then it comes forward that there's a tape recording from a journalist, for whatever reason, although journalists always try very hard to protect their sources. Obviously you get into that whole business, too, of freedom of the press.
Let's say, for argument's sake, that it was revealed later, irrefutably, that this individual not only was the culprit--if I can call them that--who leaked the report, but they had also lied under oath saying they weren't. I think we should have a process in place whereby the members know that if there's a question of something like that that's leaked, there's a majority of the members of the committee who feel it's serious enough. So you would have to have a good discussion at the committee that it's serious enough that you take a swearing of the oath in public.
Obviously if the person who leaked it was required to swear an oath, they would be reluctant to do so, just as any citizen is reluctant, I would suggest, to go on a stand in a courtroom and perjure themselves. It's very serious. I don't know why you wouldn't take that very seriously. There are serious legal consequences if you're found to have perjured yourself. We all know that. It should be no less serious here, I think, if we're going to get serious about this issue. So that's the first thing.
As to sanctions, whether a person was to admit that “Yes, it was me, I was the one who did it”, or it was proven later, as I said, that this individual was the one who leaked something that was confidential, that he or she knew it was confidential and they knew how serious it was, I think there should be financial consequences. I would support, at the least, considering your being docked a week's pay or something like that, as a member of Parliament, and having it right in the rules, the Standing Orders, that if it's proven that you're the one who did this, there is a financial consequence to it--not only the public humiliation that should come from it, but a financial consequence as well, so that people take this seriously.
I think the vast majority of members of Parliament in all parties want to take this seriously. All of us have considered it a personal affront at different times when we've served on committees and this is done. If it's done accidentally, we have some empathy for a colleague, whether from another party or our own party, because we are all human; we all make mistakes. But when it's wilfully done--and many times it is wilfully done. People do this for their own agenda. It might not even be their party's agenda. Indeed, that particular individual's own leader might be as upset about it as anyone else, any other member of Parliament. As for those people who would do such a thing, I think in many cases their own caucus colleagues, their party colleagues, are more upset with them than even their opponents are.
So we need to impress on them that this is serious, that there is some mechanism whereby we will endeavour to determine who it was. I am just throwing this out: having a standard process of taking an oath that the committees can avail themselves of if they believe it's serious enough; and then secondly, that there are serious consequences, both the public humiliation that justifiably should come and the financial penalty.