On a point of order, the suggestion of Mr. Guimond requires unanimous consent.
We have a motion that's already been adopted by this committee, that the committee do a study, however brief it is, to be completed by Friday, September 14. That was agreed to unanimously by this committee. It was never suggested that we shut out witnesses or ignore the points of view of various people who might have something to offer.
I am perfectly in agreement with Monsieur Guimond, Mr. Chair, if he is suggesting that we hear from the Chief Electoral Officer on Thursday morning. However, we will not offer unanimous consent for taking away the possibility of hearing from other witnesses, because there are a lot of valuable groups in this country who've spoken out for all sides and for many faiths. We don't need to hear from them all, but there are some who have been particularly prominent in discussing this, and I think their comments have been very helpful and deserve to be heard, so that when we put forward a recommendation to the Chief Electoral Officer all viewpoints will be taken into account .
The motion that we have right here allows for those witnesses to be heard. I just suggest that you accept the submission of witnesses from the various members of this committee. All of us, I suspect, will be judicious in who we submit and that the witnesses will be relevant and pertinent to the discussion. We should make time to hear from them as well.
That is the condition upon which we would consider supporting Mr. Guimond's suggestion.