Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I think maybe just to refocus here we should look again at where we're at in this debate. If I'm not mistaken, I believe we have a motion by Ms. Redman that says:
That the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs investigate the actions of the Conservative Party of Canada during the 2006 election, in relation to which Elections Canada has refused to reimburse Conservative candidates for illegitimate election campaign expenses.
Now, there were a number of amendments made. The word “illegitimate” was rightfully challenged. We also had the question as to whether or not it should refer to only the 2006 election or if it should go back to 2004. Also we debated, as we will all recall, whether or not it should be the Conservative Party only or also the Liberal Party.
As a result we had a motion to amend by Mr. Reid, which I would like to remind us of, and that is:
That the motion be amended by deleting the word “illegitimate”; and by replacing all the words after the word “expenses” with the following: “that are alleged not to be in conformity with the expenses limits under the Canada Elections Act”.
That motion was debated for a while and then later on, by unanimous consent, was withdrawn. So then we were back to the original motion.
Then my colleague Mr. Lemieux, for whom I am sitting in today, moved an amendment. His amendment, and that's the one we're on right now, was:
That the motion be amended by replacing the words “2006 election” with the following: “2004 and 2006 federal elections”; and by replacing all the words after the word “relation” with the following: “and in comparison to the election campaign expenses of the Liberal Party of Canada, and where Elections Canada has refused to reimburse some Conservative candidates for election campaign expenses”.
Now, I don't know whether people suffer from the same symptoms as I do after a week of exciting activity in the riding, but not all of the debate is fresh in my mind. Of course I'm older than most members here so I have the senior's moment to call upon as well. But we were debating this, and I recall that I appealed very directly to this committee to make sure the work of this committee is not tainted by a partisan thrust, which would, I believe, bring some discredit to this committee.
I appeal to the majority, who happens to be in opposition here, to think very carefully about the amendment my colleague moved because of the fact that it substantially removes from the original motion a very obvious political bias. Now, I'm not saying that we're not political as members of Parliament. We all are. We have points of view. We differ sometimes rather strenuously on how the government should conduct the affairs of the country, and indeed we differ on some pretty basic issues right along a wide spectrum. But I think this committee--as its name says explicitly, it's a procedure and House affairs committee--has to do with how Parliament runs.
In this particular case, the committee is given the responsibility of overseeing the Elections Act and the work of the Chief Electoral Officer. I can only appeal as strenuously as possible to my fellow members on this committee that we need to make sure that, as Elections Canada is to be non-partisan and treat all parties and all candidates equally under the rules, so this committee, which oversees Elections Canada, should very, very explicitly be non-partisan. To attack one party to the exclusion of others is not non-partisan, no matter how you slice it.
What this committee should be doing is looking at the broad principles being applied, and in this particular case the issue at hand is whether or not Elections Canada has properly administered the law. That is, in the broad stroke, the issue that's before the House.
So the amendment my colleague moved was to look beyond the last election to the 2004 election, which gives a little broader perspective to the implications and the administration of the rules, and also to include the other major party in the election. It has always been between the Liberals and the Conservatives primarily. We don't want to minimize the NDP and the Bloc, who of course are properly elected by their constituents and come to the House of Commons.