Thank you.
I agree with Mr. Proulx and Mr. Mulcair. I think it would be highly appropriate to ask Ms. Block. I don't think she would have any difficulty—at least I hope she doesn't have any difficulty—with providing us that information. If we could get that in advance and distribute it to the committee before next Tuesday, I think that would be very helpful.
Mr. Bard, I believe we have you scheduled to reappear before the committee towards the end of our examination. One of the questions I'm sure many of the members would be asking you is whether you have any advice for the committee on security protocol, to try to, if possible, prevent this type of thing from happening again.
Quite frankly, after hearing some of the early testimony I'm not sure if we could ever come up with a fail-safe program to prevent information from being leaked. But is there anything right now that you might be able to suggest, for our consideration, would be an effective protocol on security matters with respect to unauthorized release of documents via e-mail?