Thank you, Chair and members of the committee.
We are pleased to be here to answer your questions.
With me today is Donna Dériger, Acting Senior Director, Office of the Comptroller General. Ms. Dériger is responsible for the Treasury Board Secretariat Guide to Costing.
We'd be happy to answer your questions on the guidance we provide to departments on the costing of initiatives or on the role of the Treasury Board in approving funding for the implementation of government initiatives.
Departments are expected to prepare cost estimates in memoranda to cabinet and Treasury Board submissions on the basis of the guidance provided by the secretariat through the TBS guide on the preparation of TB submissions and the TBS “Guide to Costing”. Cost estimates provided by the departments are the responsibility of the deputy head and require the sign-off of the department's chief financial officer. Treasury Board's role is focused on the assessment of submissions prepared by departments for funding when initiatives are ready for implementation. Funding decisions are then compiled into the estimates documents tabled in Parliament. Departments report to Parliament annually on their planned spending and on their actual results.
We would be pleased to elaborate further on these processes.
Thank you very much.