Thank you, sir.
The purpose of the motion, Mr. Chair, is to assist the committee going forward and to assist in particular the drafters of the report, who are charged with a very difficult assignment, which is to try to circumscribe the evidence and deliberations in a very short period of time, as ordered by the Speaker of the House of Commons: it has to be done, completed, and reported back to the House on the 21st of this month.
Given the onerous scheduling tomorrow, Mr. Chair, in anticipation of our dealing with the issue of the Minister of International Cooperation, which is the second part of the reference to this committee, we felt that it would be productive and useful to help circumscribe and to help lend some early shape for the drafters so that they can deal with this onerous task in a very short period of time.
Particularly, I think the idea of having a draft report in two pages for each official language often helps sharpen the proposals or propositions that are put in the final report. I've seen way too many draft reports come in that are verbose. As I have often reminded my former students, verbosity is never a substitute for content, so I think it would be important for us to help the drafters circumscribe the length to two pages. If we can't say it in two pages in each official language, it's probably too long.
The addenda that would follow, of course, would include all of the briefs, all of the submissions by expert witnesses, all the testimony provided, and the transcripts. It's all there, Mr. Chair, as a matter of very public record, having been broadcast, for example, on television, the Internet, and beyond for the last two days.
There are of course all kinds.... The list of substantive reasons to go through to substantiate the points 1 through 5 in this motion is simply too long to cover. It would take me probably until 10 p.m. tonight, Mr. Chair, and I won't do that, but I do want to cite a few fundamental ones to help to substantiate some of the early conclusions that are reduced to writing in this motion.