I'm sorry to interrupt, Chair--and 11 o'clock, our regularly scheduled time, is fine. I have a suggestion for the committee. Chair, if everyone recalls, and I know they do, on the Minister Oda question of privilege, the Speaker said he wanted to refer it to this committee to try to clear up confusion, to clear the air. We have a deadline of Friday of this week.
I think it would be helpful if we could hear from the Speaker. The Speaker is back from his trip. He would have had a chance, or at least if we instruct him he will have a chance today, to examine all of the testimony of Ms. Oda and the transcripts of the entire committee. I would like to have the Speaker appear before the committee tomorrow so we could ask his opinion, since he was the one originally who decided this should be referred to try to clear up the confusion.
The opinion I would ask of him is whether he believes that confusion has been lifted, that the air has been cleared. Mr. Chair, if we did that tomorrow, and the Speaker came for an hour, it would allow the analysts, based on all of the testimony that we've already heard, plus the Speaker's testimony, a couple of days to draft a report and report it back to this committee. When we meet at our regularly scheduled time on Thursday, we could examine the report and hopefully get that dealt with on Thursday, and then it would be available for tabling in the House on Friday, which is the deadline.