Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's great to be at this committee for the first time.
In your speech, Minister, you made a statement. You said, “Neither voters nor candidates should have privileged access to the political system solely because of their financial resources or wealthy contacts.”
This speaks to me very profoundly because all of us around this table often get asked why we run. For me, one of the honest answers I usually give is because I can. I'm the youngest member of our caucus. I'm a young woman and there are many parts of the world where women don't have the legal ability to run. Moreover, when you look at other political systems, their financing laws are a major barrier to entry for women.
It is particularly timely to be discussing this when you look at what's happening in the American election, the amount of money that is spent on campaigns, on advertising, on these enormous campaigns, literally millions of dollars. I can tell you right now if I had to participate in that political system, I would not be an elected representative simply because of my age and my family's wealth status, etc.
I think that statement is really profound because we know that financing can be a barrier to entry for women.
When you look at financing as a barrier to entry, some of the determinants are that many women choose to have caregiver roles or choose to take other positions where it often becomes difficult to build the network of contacts that is needed to finance a campaign.
Specifically, in my experience where I sought a nomination for the party, where traditionally there is a good base of support for the party I represent, nomination financing is an issue as well.
I wanted to ask you some questions along that line. You spoke about having that level playing field, about ensuring that women have access. I think, first of all, the Canadian political system, our financing rules, the $1,200 contribution baskets that we have in place remove that barrier to a large degree. I certainly have experienced that in trying to raise funds to finance my own campaigns.
This provision is a great addition. If you do have access to wealthy contacts across the country in different areas, if you do have that pre-established network, it does give you a leg up. I think this provision removes that. Would you characterize that as correct? Perhaps you could talk about your own situation as well and how you would see that changing.