This has been an extremely useful period already. It also indicates why it could be really important to hear from some individual financial institutions, including some co-ops and the caisse populaires, just to dig down a bit deeper into how individual banks would think about this in their lending decisions. I'll just put that on the record for our own purposes.
Something else to put on the record is that in my own experience in the NDP, our limit for nomination races is a little bit lower than that. I just want to make sure not everybody thinks that people are running for $12,000 to $20,000. It was $5,000 for my by-election.
You said something very interesting, Mr. Wrobel. You said “at least getting the money back”. That's a slightly different concept from making a significant profit. If the banks were to know that on balance they're not going to lose money, that begins to sound a bit like a public duty point of view. I'm wondering if that's what you intended.