I believe that the Speaker in his own ruling referred to an example elsewhere in the act where the effect of going to court would be to hold things off until the court proceedings were finished, but such a provision wasn't tacked on to this. That's the kind of thing we would have to take into account in deciding a case that would come before us if it ever comes to a vote. It may not, given the evolution of your own discussions with the member.
As to the Standing Orders, the Speaker asked us not just to resolve the case before the House, but also to take a look at how the Standing Orders should be written to clarify what happens when a letter comes from you to the Speaker. At what stage is the House asked to pronounce on whether or not a member should continue to sit or vote? I won't ask you for any details now. I'd simply ask you whether or not you would be available to provide subsequent advice in writing or by testimony if we got to that stage.