The first thing it's important for everybody listening to know is that whatever is currently said on the voter information card, it's to ensure that in future it always will be marked until such time as the House changes the law to allow it to get rid of the provision that's now going to be in the law saying that the Chief Electoral Officer cannot authorize. My own memory from what Mr. Reid has just read out is that it's actually not that prominent at all. The idea here is for a prominent message.
I want to re-emphasize that this is harm reduction. There is absolutely no downside to putting this in the legislation. I'm now struggling to understand why it appears that the government may not be voting.... I actually thought I opened up in my motion to withdraw, saying there had not been a single opposition motion voted in favour of by the government. I honestly thought I could have added, “But there is one coming up.”
You have your chance. I'm very serious about this. This is our best effort to acknowledge that we've lost. You have won on getting rid of the voter information card as anything that can be used. We've given good reasons why chaos could result. This is an attempt to make sure that harm, in 2015 at the polls, is reduced. There is no downside to putting this in.
I hope that Mr. Reid's reluctance will not be reflected in the vote.